Trust Disputes

We offer expert advice and assistance in relation to the administration of trusts and disputes arising out of trusts.

Trust Disputes

What is a trust dispute?

A trust dispute is any dispute relating to the administration or running of a trust, whether it involves a dispute over the value of assets, its interpretation, or dealing with difficult trustees or beneficiaries.

At Baines Bagguley Penhale we regularly advise and assist individuals in relation to a range of trust disputes, including:

  • issues regarding the administration of a trust;
  • claims by or against trusts;
  • queries regarding trust assets;
  • disputes between trustees;
  • disputes between beneficiaries;
  • variation of trusts; and
  • removing a trustee.

Where a dispute arises in relation to a trust we would strongly recommend that legal advice is taken without delay.

Whilst time limits for taking action can vary depending on the particular type of case, you should be aware that, if you are a trustee, you have a strict duty to ensure that you act in the best interests of the beneficiaries and that you do not put the trust assets at risk.

For further information or to discuss how we can help you please contact us.

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