Personal Disputes

We concentrate on helping you to resolve disputes quickly and effectively.

Personal Disputes Legal Advice

When something does not work as expected or an outcome is not as intended this can cause a great deal of stress and inconvenience. We regularly assist clients in resolving disputes that arise during the course of their day to day lives.

We offer a range of services and can provide advice and assistance in relation to a variety of legal disputes including :

  • Consumer Disputes
  • Boundary Disputes
  • Landlord and Tenant Matters
  • Property Disputes
  • Court Matters
  • Disputes with Builders and Contractors
  • Neighbour Disputes
  • Employment issues

We appreciate that in most cases our clients need to know at the outset whether they are likely to achieve their desired outcome in relation to disputes. We have developed a fixed fee service with a view to giving initial advice before complications and further distress can be caused. For further details of this service and how to get the best outcome from a Fixed Fee meeting click here.

We aim to help you resolve the dispute quickly and efficiently by negotiation wherever possible.

We aim to help you resolve the dispute quickly and efficiently by negotiation wherever possible. Where this is not possible we can assist you in issuing court proceedings or tribunal proceedings if appropriate. We will advise you as to the procedures that you will need to follow and if required represent you at any court hearings that take place.

As every dispute is different it is not possible for us to give a clear indication of costs without fully understanding the particular circumstances of your case. We will however always provide you with a clear indication of likely costs at the outset of your instructions and will not incur costs above any agreed limit without first agreeing with you the steps to be taken and the likely costs associated with those steps.

For further information or to discuss how we can help you please contact us.

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    Meet the Disputes Team

    Nicola Codd

    .....a note is hardly adequate to express my immense gratitude I feel for all your care and attention to the financial perplexities presented....done with cheerful goodwill....
    Mrs O of Bare